Thursday, January 2, 2020
Research Paper on Water Pollution - 2437 Words
Comprising over seventy percent of the Earths surface, water is undeniably the most valuable natural resource. Life on Earth would be non-existent without water because it is essential for everything on our planet to grow. The human body is composed of 50-80% water. Blood and muscles contain significant amounts, and approximately 95% of the brain is water. All body systems and organs need water to function properly, and will shut down without it. Most of the chemical reactions that take place in our body need water as their medium. We can live without food for a few weeks, but can survive only a few days without water. Its essential because unlike other nutrients, water isnt stored in the body. Typically, everyday, we lose around 10†¦show more content†¦Not only is pollution the cause of the death of many organisms essential to ecological balance, but human drinking water has also been affected. There are three main mechanisms by which the chemical composition of groundwater , which is our natural source of drinking water, may be changed: by natural processes, by mans waste-disposal practices such as those for sanitary wastes, liquid industrial wastes, solid wastes, and radioactive wastes, and by spills, leaks, and agricultural activities and other sources unrelated to disposal. The degree of risk posed by contaminants varies according to many factors. These include the volume and toxicity of the contaminant, its concentration in the aquifer, its persistence in the environment, and the degree of human and environmental exposure to the contaminant. In addition, the number of persons affected, or likely to be affected, over time and the percentage of available groundwater both locally and regionally should be taken into consideration. If the contaminants in the groundwater exceed the standards set for drinking water by the federal government, for example, then the water is hazardous for the use for which it was designated under the standards. These standa rds include, however, only a limited number of chemicals, and thus they do not necessarily protect humans or the environment against either the short-term or the long-term effects of every contaminant that might be found inShow MoreRelatedThe Study On Environemtal Pollution Essay1077 Words  | 5 Pages‘ Environemtal pollution has been accomplished with the useful efforts and contribution of the group members. Working on this term paper has been very beneficial for us as it is related to our course ‘Businees law. This term paper has given us a big boost to the development of our bookish knowledge with the help of practical knowledge and group discussions. 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