Thursday, October 31, 2019
Art Theory Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Art Theory Paper - Assignment Example Jacques Ranciere and other western philosophers who have studied the emergence of new art have termed these form of art to be against the traditional forms of art, which is paintings and Sculptures. These forms of art as Ranciere states are always in opposition to the old schools of art. The emergence of this artistic trend tries to oppose formal or customary practices in artworks that delineated paintings, drawings and even sculptures. In his article titled problems and transformations of critical art, Ranciere explores these art forms which he terms as critical art. He proposes that critical art is more concerned about the function and not the form. Hence this type of art wills always exp-lore the themes or issues in society and not how the artwork was produced. In doing so, Critical art tends to break the rules that have been established for different kinds of schools that defined classical artworks. Artists such as Hung Liu have used art in the form described by Ranciere. Hung Li u can be categorized as being Critical art. Her art is not only political but critical of classical art movements. Ranciere states that the opposition of critical art to the classical forms of art does not criticize these pieces but tries to oppose the methods of classical works of art in modern art. The methods employed by New Art artists do not also conform to the classical schools and art movements. This paper explores how Hung Liu, one of the most famous American Chinese artist has exploited and reflected Ranciere’s proposition and contextualization of critical art. Hung Liu is a Chinese American Artist who was born in china in 1948. Hung Liu moved to the US in 1984 and then returned to China 1990. It was while in china that he discovered the art of mural paintings. Hung Liu‘s Art work uses varied medias in producing masterpieces.. Her main field of art includes Painting, print work and also drawings. Hung Liu’s work takes the form of critical art. His work i s transformational and it tries to raise awareness on various themes. Her background has a big influence in her work. Hung Liu’s style of painting and print tries to infuse contemporary and ancient Chinese culture in tackling issues to do with politics, the girl child, social problems, the Chinese society, the migrant and immigrant plight, the rural Chinese life and other social problems in Chinese and western modern life. Culturally, Hung Liu tries to raise issues in the society using her paintings. Most of her paintings depict the rural life of the Chinese people. Her work of art that she did before the moving to the US was concentrated on the rural life of the Chinese people in paddy fields where she had worked for four years. Using print as a media, Hung Liu reflects the life of the rural people and their suffering. She captures the culture of the Chinese rural worker. In her 2000 painting titled by the rivers of Babylon, Huang Liu uses oil on canvas to capture the rural life of the Chinese people and the culture of poverty. Her paintings have employed the contemporary techniques in capturing and passing a message that is transformational. This is one of the ways in which Ranciere says modern art has taken. By using Chinese images in her paintings and print, Liu identifies with her Chinese culture and she is able to communicate the issues in the culture. Hung Liu’
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Public Sector vs Private Sector Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Public Sector vs Private Sector - Research Paper Example In practice, the method chosen for the evaluation of a project can highly vary depended on the project’s targets, the resources available and the environment in which the project was first developed. For example, if the project has been developed in the private sector its evaluation will be based on a method that will be different from those used in the public sector. Cost Benefit Analysis/ Cost Effectiveness Analysis The specific method of project evaluation is ideal for projects that have both economic and non-economic effects (Simic, Vratonjic & Beric 2011, p.114). When the costs involved in a project are difficult to be precisely estimated, then the Cost Effectiveness Analysis would be preferred. The Cost-Effectiveness Analysis has an important benefit: it gives the chance to choose among alternative projects so that the project related to the lowest costs is identified (Simic, Vratonjic & Beric 2011, p.115). ... Effectiveness Analysis (Simic, Vratonjic & Beric 2011, p.117) Setting project’s goals and purpose Setting ‘the conditions for the achievement of goals’ (Simic, Vratonjic & Beric 2011, p.117) Introducing alternatives; for each goal at least two alternatives need to be available, meaning alternative strategies/ methodologies for achieving a particular goal Introducing evaluation criteria; for example: ‘feasibility and availability’ (Simic, Vratonjic & Beric 2011, p.117) Introducing evaluation criteria related to costs; fixed cost criteria are preferred since they refer to a wide range of costs, including ‘research and development, project implementation and maintenance’ (Simic, Vratonjic & Beric 2011, p.117) Deciding on the quality/ appropriateness of alternatives Evaluating each alternative in terms of its sensitivity, i.e. whether it is vulnerable to changes. Evaluating each alternative in terms of its content, meaning especially the accu racy of costs involved The findings of the research over the quality of a project are further discussed and analyzed aiming to present all aspects of the project and of the alternatives available A different process for the evaluation of a project can be chosen, taking into consideration the economic and social environment and the project’s targets. For example, the African Development Bank Group tends to use a specific process for evaluating its projects; this process is presented in Figure 2 below. Figure 2 – Evaluation process of projects developed by ADBG (ADBG 2004, p.iii) Evaluation of project – Costs The costs of a project are usually categorized according to the nature of the project and its targets. In the case of BlueJay, costs would be divided into two major categories. A. Total ownership costs These are
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Vulnerability Of Adults With Learning Disabilities Social Work Essay
Vulnerability Of Adults With Learning Disabilities Social Work Essay Adults with learning disabilities who are vulnerable need support to ensure that they are not denied the right or opportunity to make their own decision and give their own consent (Peate Fearns, 2006). According to Hayes, (1993) states that, adults with learning disabilities who may have had no choice but to accept the labels dingbat or airhead to cover the confusion, memory lapses, misread or misunderstood directions, or the dozens of other mean tricks that adult has played on through the years. People who have much less the ability and capacity to understand new or complex information, either less able learn new skills also has a little ability to dealing independently like-the ability to social work weakness and the requirement that of the beginning before the age of puberty have a lasting effect on development (Scottish Executive,2010). Adults with learning disabilities comprise of a highly vulnerable part of the society, who have limited access to health care facilities /services offered to them. According to Kerr et al., (1996a) he states that, learning disabilities suffer form a similar range of morbidity as the general population, but some conditions are seen with greater frequency within certain syndrome. They are often faced with obstacles and challenges while coping with grave situations such as loss and bereavement of loved ones, personal illness, death etc (Elliott, 1995).They are known to have been ignored persistently in terms of providing services in the need of personal illness, death, and other challenging life situations, thus increasing their vulnerability all the more (Elliott, 1995). Vulnerability Risk: A vulnerable adult is a person who is eighteen years of age or older who is, or may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness; and who is or may be unable to take care of him or herself, or protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation. -No Secrets March 2000, p 45. Every human being becomes vulnerable during their lifetime for many of reasons they all respond differently to events that happen to them because of who they are and the lack of support that they have around them (Jacki, 2001). The term vulnerable adult(s) is now use more widely in the social care field than it ever was, but it may be open to interpretation and being vulnerable means different things to different people (Jacki,2001). People with learning disabilities are one of the most vulnerable groups in the society (Department of Health 2001). Learning disabilities may be more at risk not only because their own difficulties in understanding or communication but also because of the way they receive services and the fact that they may be actively targeted or taken advantages (Jean and Anthea, 1997). The broad definition of vulnerable adults is a person: who is or may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or disability, age or illness; and who is or may be unable to take care of themselves, or unable to protect him against significant harm, risk or exploitation (DOH 2000, s.2.3). Among the most vulnerable members of society they cant speak up for themselves. For example, if consequences are limited when an adult with learning disabilities abuses another person, the victim may be left with the idea that such behaviour is normal and acceptable, and that services will provide little protection and that their complaints will not be heard. It may also increase their vulnerability to further abuse because abuse can become normalised and more likely to be the victim of abuse physically (McCarthy and Thompson, 1996). The Oxford Dictionary define risk as meaning a hazard, a dangerous, exposure to mischance or peril, as verb it also similar which means hazard, to danger, to expose to the chance of injury or loss( Parsloe, 2005). Risk is closely linked to dangerousness, resulting in harm which seems to be agreed means harm to self or others and extend of harm which constitutes a risk in various situations especially adult with learning disabilities. If you dont know for sure what will happen, but you know the odds thats risk, and if you dont even know the odds, thats uncertainty (Knight, 1921, p.25). Royal Society (1983) states that, risk assessment which axiom as the probability that a particular adverse event occurs and social services has been concerned predominate with risk assessment to prevent harm. They may also suffer further if they have to deal with seeing their perpetrator on a regular basis, and may be subject to further assaults in retaliation of their initial complaint. In addition to the risks to existing victims, poor responses may result in increasing numbers of people being abused. Definition of vulnerable adult in section 80(6) Care Standard Act 2000 states that- (a) an adult to whom nursing and accommodation or personal care are provided in care whom (b) in adult to whom personal care is provided in their under arrangements made by a domiciliary care agency own home (Peate Fearns, 2006). Adults with learning disabilities, and those people who have a less capacity like who have mental illness, old and frail, need protection from potentially abusive situation over which they might have little control (Department of Health, 2000). Learning disability Adolescents obliviously it is not always acted in ways that serve their own best interests, even as defined by them (Fischhoff et al., 2000). Sometimes their perception of their own risks, even of survival to adulthood, is larger than the reality; in other cases, they underestimate the risks of particular actions or behaviours since adults abuse and risk has gain higher profile. According to Kemshall and Pritchard (2001) states that, there has been much debate about a welfare model or a criminal justice model should be adopted. After the recent death Steven Hoskin 22 years young man who has been dead by numbers people. Adults vulnerable protection systems are likely to come under close scrutiny (Jacki, 2001). It is possible, indeed likely, that some adolescents engage in risky behaviours because of a perception of invulnerability-the current conventional wisdom of adults views of adolescent behaviour. Others, however, take risks because they feel vulnerable to a point approaching hopelessness (Fischhoff et al., 2000). In either case, these perceptions can prompt adults to make poor decisions that can put them at risk and leave them vulnerable to physical or psychological harm that may have a negative impact on their long-term health and viability. Learning Disabilities: The concept of learning disability Brumback (2004), people who have development disorder in their language, speech, reading and associated communication skills needed for social interaction also who have sensory handicaps such as blindness or deafness and generalized mental retardation. According to Robert (2009) Learning disability is a neurodevelopment disorder affecting a specific cognitive skill that occurs in the presence of intact skills in most others realms and specific impairments are presumed to be due to dysfunction of the brain and to have been present since birth. And learning disability substantially limits functioning in one or more aspect of persons life (Mapou, 2004). According to Mencap (2010) reports that, in the UK there are 1.5 million people with a learning disability. Most are treated as different and dont have the same control over their own lives as the rest of our society. Over the past century and a half there have been huge changes in the in the labelling of those people presently categorize as having learning disabilities. In social policy terms, they have been variously labelled as vagabonds, idiots, mentally handicapped, learning disabled, and people with learning difficulties among others names (Gordon,2005). Above the definition indicates that, Learning Disabilities is thà  µ terminology used to label people that function at an intellectual level that is significantly lower than the average people in society (David and Hinor,2003). Different periods in history have meant different things, depending on the social and economic circumstances of the time, and of course on how long people with learning disabilities lived (Brian, 2006). Risk Assessment Decision Making Process/ Practice Tools: Increasingly responding to the risks of others, preventing risks to vulnerable adults or running risks to themselves is all in days work for the busy practitioners and manager in the field of social care (Brearley, 1982). Every day a lot of risk situation changes rapidly and what applied yesterday but may not today. Those service users who are identified as at risk would be provided highly effective instruction to reduce their risk in the identified area (e.g., language, reading, numeracy/ math, behaviour) (Brown, 2003). David Carson (1988b) points to about risk Risks should be taken to achieve specific goals in the light of possible harms occurring and Taking risks involves deciding that the potential benefits of a proposed act out weight the potential drawback (p.248). Hence risk always should be taking whether or not to act to achieve beneficial results in an awareness of potential harm. To minimize risk and make it useful and meaningful, may risk situations need to be reassessed regularly perhaps daily basis according service users daily need. People with learning disabilities are subject to risk all time due to their vulnerability they sometimes abused by those who have control over them or by those who realize that they are vulnerable because of their disabilities they often find it very much more difficult to assess risk the way most of social carer and services do (Vaughn and Fuchs, 2003). While most of carer don dont asses risk very efficiently they generally make some attempt to do so. Its not easy at all to do risk assessment as it is a complex task and most of the time carer or support worker they do adequately but not very thoroughly (Carol, 2002). In spite of some difficulties, there is an increasing awareness that people with learning disabilities can make choices, moreover they want to do so. Nevertheless its often failed to consider is that, the amount of risk that these choices carry and most of us have grown up accustomed to risk-taking. Many problems about assessing risk that different services user may perceive the different risk. What is acceptable to one person may not be acceptable to another. Main objective of the risk assessment when its possible may sometimes affect decision making in number of different ways (Heilbrun, (1999). It is true many adults with learning disabilities who have always facing risk in their everyday life. Significantly about choice decision sometimes its difficult for adult as well carer to make right choice how could be at risk. The difficulty for people with learning disabilities is that carers often do feel often they are expected to make these choices for them. The law of negligence can appear to inhibit decision making personal freedom and choice sit uncomfortably next to the concepts of duty of care and professional liability (Fuchs, 2003). People with learning disabilities may not have done perhaps carers need to be encouraged to help their service users how to make choices with and appreciation of the risk involved. This is more challenging task than just encouraging choice alone it seems that not only should people with learning be allowed to make choices and take risk they should actively be encourage to do (Kemshall Pritchard, 1996). Multidisciplinary Risk Assessment: There are a range of sources where information can be gained for a through risk assessment which include the prospective resident, their relatives or practitioners involve with the person and any written reports; which may be historic or recent (Alaszewski and Manthorpe, 2002). The problem with the right to make choices is that it assumes that adult with learning disabilities are able to make choice about risk in the same way every one does (Heilbrun, It acknowledge that adult with learning disabilities do have real difficulties with many cognitive takes. Most have problems in assessing risk effectively because of the complexity of doing so it is likely that people with learning disabilities will find the particular difficult. An endeavour to make balance the protection of vulnerable adults, as standard in the No Secrets guidance ( DoH, 2000) where different policies that encourage and aid to take more control to service users in their lives which also including to tak e opportunities and manage risks. In 2007, Department of Health established risk assessment and management regulation and various assessment tools for help practitioners and professional to work predominately in the field of social care. According to Jones, 1998 states that, the assessment of ability to consent and the ability to make real choice, especially in relation to understanding the likely consequences of the choices or decision made. It could be helpful when any risk assessment plan to do like-if carer support worker want to take any decision about the service users or any person , is the person are aware about that decision been mad or going take ? Are they communicating their choice decision making? Giving more choice people with learning disabilities especially about taking risk, its mean that carer have to be alert to the extent to which the service users are able realistically to assess the level of risks involved (Sellars, 2003). Many adult with learning disabled the most successful way to avoid and minimize risk to avoid further problem is by effective management. When the person concerned may have been living in a setting where the opportunities for such behaviour have been very limited or absent, carers and professionals are sometimes tempted to assume that because the recent past has been incident-free the problem has disappeared (Carol, 2003) Risk Assessment: Risk assessment is about predicting the future and the likelihood of particular events occurring; these will be both wanted and unwanted events (Pritchard, 2004). Risk assessment is merely the description of good methodical practice to risky situations (Jones, 1998 p.5). In leave to address matters of importance for instance dangers, hazards, and known triggers and how best to keep away from them is a risk assessment. Confirm that they are recognizable with the exacting risks that you have put measures in place to reduce, or eliminate them and that you could face with the person in your care. A multifaceted and time consuming task and a continuous process is Assessment (Pritchard, 1997). Assessment of risk for adult with learning disabilities which should be evolutionary in nature constantly informed and shaped by changes of circumstances upon service users needs (Brown, 2003). The practice of risk assessment and management is the process of data collection, recording, interpretation, communication and implementation of risk reduction plan (Maden, 1996). For the risk of learning disability, clinical model of risk assessment have become the norm. There are two kinds of risk that are relevant to work people with learning disabilities, risk of unnecessary exposure to undesirable events or experience, and risk of negative consequences when possible benefits and desirable experiences are perused ( William, 2006). Above this it is clear that a strategy of prevention should implement, and management is required so that risk and benefit are balanced. In social care and health care there are broadly two main context of risk which are not provided and everyday risk in their life and learning disability have a history of formally documented offence (Thompson, 2000). So far it has been established that different service users have different risk upon their physical and mental health which is major issue for people with learning disabilities and there are large number of people with learning disabilities who suffer from variety of physical and mental health condition (Heilbrun, 1999). However, the true extent of the problem cannot be known, due to difficulties in assessment, and it is estimated that the actual number is high due to the service users being unable to sufficiently communicate their social life. It follow that the more severe the communication problems, sometime its difficult service user are gain true assessment (Priest Gibbs2004). In order to fully appreciate the process of risk assessment, here identify the one of particular service users and consider the kind of life they lead at present. Service users who is Mr M 22 years old young male with complex physical learning disabilities who has Cerebral palsy affecting all four limbs, epilepsy, severe learning difficulties and Migraine which affects him seizure pattern. Who lives in a residential care home with four others service users people with learning disability. However this service user also have gastro feed which need to use for his water and medication as he cant drink and always need someone to assist his food. Deliberate self-harm is relatively common when he feels unhappy and anxiety his verbal language is very limited he can communicate within short sentences and can answer yes/no. Mr M always need to use wheel chair for maintains his everyday life. Assessment of risk The plan should note risk low, medium or high as well as the impact of the child or young person on others. (Guidance on the Child or Young Persons Plan, Scottish Executive. 2007, page 13). Risk assessment is useless unless the results are shared with everyone who is involved in the care of ht client (Sellars, 2003 p.154). There are several risk exist her for this service users as he has Cerebral palsy which is a general term used by doctors to refer to a set of neurological conditions that affect a people movement and co-ordination. Neurological conditions affect the brain and nervous system. Epilepsy is common, he needs to regular medicine and to control this and possibly refer to regular doctor visit due to he has migraine problem as well as. He also has choking difficulties while he eats his meal. Risk can fall of wheel chair if it does not fasten. At risk of being hurt when moved. And at risk of falling off ramp when loading in to resident vehicle while he travelling. Risk to carer/staff: This service user often to risk carer or staff, some risk that he could become aggressive if he is feel hungry or any physical illness. Infrequently he can become aggressive or even violent during the illness so that this behaviour needs to be monitored. Frequency of risk: This service user sometimes settled and had good responded well to medication. It is likely he is vulnerable and sometime faced with stress in his life due his migraine problem. And he has Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) and need to see doctor every four months. Level of Risk: The level of risk is very high this residential care home has own risk assessment plan. For minimize the risk as vulnerable adult trust has their own policy according to service users need. For health and safety and others physical risks as well as there are recognized health risk associated with the carer and service users. Taking risks daily on occasion, and thus the level of risk that he will come to harm which is quite high. Manual handling risk: To minimize risk during changing of position in bed/on floor, slide sheet to be used and make sure service user is positioned correctly and two trained staff to assist him all times. Staff to use high adjustments on equipment where needed like Hoist. To transfer from bed to chair, chair to bed and chair to chair the level of risk also high staff always hoisted for all transfer using allocated sling. Staff to use height adjustment equipment where available during Changing Bench/ shower/ bath level of risk also high. Due to his physical ability while he travels in transport he need his wheel chair and have to make sure four point clamps to be use while on the vehicle and addition seat belt to minimize risk during his journey. Possible outcome: The immediate outcome is that health needs are constantly monitored by his parents and his career. He has cerebrally palsy which affecting his limbs and also had severe learning disability and epilepsy which is controlled using prescribed medicine that administrated by his concern of his resident/trust. He also sometimes suffers from migraine and takes medication for his migraines appears to be controlled at the present time. He always uses wheel chair for mobility. Seizure and migraines are prone to increase when become too warm and carers are aware of this which is monitor by closely. Managing Risk: From the above analysis it is clear that this service user is a high risk client. However, the key to understanding the level of risk is the acceptance that his behaviour could be change which depends on his medication and close support from his parents/ career and doctor. And it is important in the first instance try keep staff safe and would be wise to ensure that staff work always in pairs, and that vulnerable are not left alone unattended. While assessed others should not be put at risk and violence cant be ignored (Casellas, 2003). Sometimes it would be wise to monitor behaviour it may be possible to discover patterns his behaviour like- When he became agitated is there any time or reason? How about his voice does he react different tones of voice? Why he wants to hit staff is there any communication gape? Are some time or someday difficult? Does he feel uncomfortable or need personal support? Or are there any physical problems which make him unhappy and annoyed? For behaviour assessment by psychologist or doctors recommended, in order to see if any patterns emerge this may allow the behaviour plan to be managed within the existing home. However sometime service users simply exploiting inexperience staff to his advantage, then it may be necessary to move him to another place ensuring that he is supported by staff with experience who knows him well. Thus a review of medication and careful monitoring to ensure that he takes it may improve the situation which he has epilepsy and others physical illness. And staff should be aware environment they are in and hazard that may be present. While proper risk-assessment procedures may be lengthy and complex quality of life for a person with learning disabilities is likely to depend upon them (Kemshall and Pritchard 1996). Conclusion/Recommendation: Risks change constantly and people grow, change, and develop. It is important to review risk assessment regularly, and aim always to increase choice and freedom for the people with learning disability (Sellars, 2003 p.155). People with learning disabilities are beginning to reclaim the lives they lost in the institutions, having choices, jobs, sex lives and even becoming parents unthinkable until even quite recently. Slowly, perhaps far too slowly, the rest of the community is beginning to realize that the majority of people with learning disabilities are not so different from everyone else, and need the same things in their lives that all of us do: work, leisure, partners, and a sense of being part of a social group (Heillbrun, K. Et al 1999). They want to feel useful and valued, as we all do. Life is full of risks. We all take risks all the time, and the more familiar they are the less we tend to recognize the real level of risk involved. It actually takes the greatest risk in our lives every time that we step into a car, but few of us really consider that risk seriously (Daniel, 2003). This is the other side of the coin; we are inclined to believe that it wont happen, even when the objective statistics suggest otherwise the difficulty that now exists for people with learning disabilities, especially those with greater disability, and those who care for and support them, is that the law specifies that many such people are vulnerable, and not able to make this choice for themselves (Daniel, 2003). The onus of assessing risk and making the decision therefore often rests with carers. Because it is such a difficult decision to make for someone else, carers often take the simple way out, and avoid letting situations arise where learning-disabled people in their care have the opportunity to develop sexual relationships: if a person cannot make an informed choice then perhaps it is easier not to offer them that choice (Lindsay 2004). This is the current dilemma for those who work in community care situations. According to David J. Thompson,(2000) the issue of sexual relationships is perhaps the most difficult and complex, but this problem of balancing risk and choice is a constant one for carers and professionals, in relation to many aspects of everyday life. In the background is the ogre of the law (and/or local management), ready to jump on the unwary, should they get it wrong. No wonder, perhaps that many are cautious about enabling such choices to be made. Get higher in the information of vulnerable adults referred to them for the reason that they are at risk of physical and sexual mistreatment, in addition to financial fraud, a study has found in Social services departments have seen (Simon, 1997. So where adult with learning disabilities have more complex problems, such as behaviour problem, mental illness, or others any physical or mental disorder they will need additional care and support to cope with their everyday lives (Hawks, 1998). Sometimes these problems impose additional risks, and these do need to taken into account when assessing and managing risks for each person/adult.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Biography And History: Harriet Jacobs The Life Of A Slave Girl :: essays research papers
Biography and History: Harriet Jacob's The Life of a Slave Girl To be a good writer, you must posess a careful balance between detachment and association, a delicate waltz where you are not so wrapped up in the events of a story that it alienates the reader, and yet not so far separated from the subject matter that the readers cannot get into it. This is espectially the case in an autobiographical narrative. In this case, it is very difficult to detach yourself from the main subject matter, that is, yourself. Yet it must remain a story, and the story at its heart is a reconstruction of facts from the memory of the author. In the case of Harriet Jacobs, it was also important that she make sure the readers understood slavery from a woman's perspective. The hardships she had to endure not only entailed the work and the punishments, but also the sexual aspect of being a slave-girl. Her task is difficult, because in order for the reader to really understand her position as a woman and a slave, she must make the story extremely personal. If it is too personal, however, the reader looses sight of the bigger picture, and does not relate all these hardships to the condition of the general female slave. She accomplishes this in two ways, through her writing style, and the writing content. The style that the novel is written varies from a dialogue to a narrative, depending on the subject matter being written about. For example, the dialogue where Mrs. Flint confronts Linda (Jocobs) and asks her what has been going on with her husband is handled very effectively, because as a conversation between two people, we are able to pick up on the nuances of meaning. Also, it makes the situation seem to the reader as very exhilarating, because we don't know what's going to happen next. Two paragraphs later, though, the story has turned back into narrative, because Jacobs is trying to examine the entire situation in her present day, as a free woman. She has to be detached from the conversation in order for her to draw any conclusions. The conclusion she draws is that even though they are in different circumstances, (Linda is a slave and Mrs. Flint is her mistress), they both have a shared problem as women -- that is, the problems of infedelity. This general topic cannot be dealt with effectively unless it is done at a distance, looking back with the experience she has gained. Jacobs does this a lot -- she takes her own present-day experiences and
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Advantages and Disadvantages to Robotics
In this paper we will be talking about the advantages and disadvantages of robotics in the modern era. The use of robotics in the modern era has greatly increased since the prior era. I will explain how robots are used everywhere from industrial companies to medical facilities. The first thing that I will be discussing is the advantages of robotics. In 2006 a California based intuitive Surgical Inc. launched a new surgical system called â€Å"the da Vinci surgical system†. This is based from an article in the May 2010 edition of Yale scientific magazine this system was a major advantage for both doctors and patients going through major surgeries. One of the greatest aspects of this system is that its precise surgical tools are controlled by remote access. The surgeon, sitting at a console located several feet from the patient on the operating table, uses a hand and foot based control panel. This system has multiple arms with numerous tools like a scalpel, scissors. Also the system has a full 3-D stereoscopic vision of any and all procedures. The da Vinci System offers many advantages over open surgery for both the surgeon and the patient. For the surgeon, the robotic arms offer greater mobility since their range of rotation is not constrained like the human wrists. In other words while cutting off tissue this can be done in one swift movement instead of the Jerking and start stop movement.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Organizational Behavior Essay
There are basically 2 types of organizational structures commonly found in every organization. Namely these two are the vertical organization or the horizontal organization. (Deal, Kennedy, Deal & Kennedy, 2000). I myself have worked in both scenarios and personally favor the horizontal approach as the proposition for success is to work in teams, and cross functional teams. If a company follows a vertical approach then supervision of work becomes a much more difficult task and communication gaps arise which have been termed as the major component of project and process failures. In a horizontal organization hierarchal levels are divided in such a way that management of work becomes easier and people of different departments can share their expertise and knowledge when working together. An organization’s bottom line consists of 2 aspects, which are sales and costs. It is the major objective of any organization to maximize its sales and decrease its costs to the minimum in order to extract maximum revenues and hence increase profits and growth (Belker & Topchik,2005). Costs can be reduced when a horizontal structure is being followed as the number of channels through which information flows till it reaches its destination is reduced but opposite is in the case of a vertical approach where any information needs to cross through many channels before it reaches its destination. his results in the altering of the original message which negatively affects business plus due to the number of channels costs also increase (Porter, 1998). In the same way cross functional teams in a horizontal approach can lead to better and efficient performance as each member of the team is representing his or her department and wants to prove his or her abilities, hence this results in more efficient business processes (Singer, 2004). On the other hand a vertical approach makes it difficult for the company to work because no department is ready to share his or her data with other departments and it is difficult to manage the circulation of information throughout the organization, which results in slow business processes and inefficiency.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
She Walks In Beauty Essays - Lord Byron, Missolonghi, Philhellenes
She Walks In Beauty Essays - Lord Byron, Missolonghi, Philhellenes She Walks in Beauty George Gordon Noel Byron's poem titled, "She Walks in Beauty," plainly put, is a love poem about a beautiful woman and all of her features. The poem follows a basic iambic tetrameter with an unaccented syllable followed by an accented syllable that allows for a rhythm to be set by the reader and can be clearly seen when one looks at a line: She walks / in beau / ty like / the night. T.S. Eliot, an American poet criticizes Byron's work by stating the poem, "needs to be read very rapidly because if one slows down the poetry vanishes and the rhyme is forced" (Eliot 224). With this rhythm the reader can, however, look deeper into the contents of Byron's poem and discover a battle of two forces. The two forces involved in Byron's poem are the darkness and light- at work in the woman's beauty, and also the two areas of her beauty-the internal and the external. The poem appears to be about a lover, but in fact was written about "Byron's cousin, Anne Wilmot, whom he met at a party in a mourning dress of spangled black" (Leung 312). This fact, the black dress that was brightened with spangles, helps the reader to understand the origin of the poem. Byron portrays this, the mixing of the darkness and the light, not by describing the dress or the woman's actions, but by describing her physical beauty as well as her interior strengths. In the beginning of the poem, the reade r is given the image of darkness: "She walks in beauty, like the night," but then the line continues explaining that the night is cloudless and the stars are bright. So immediately the poem brings together its two opposing forces that are at work, darkness and light. In lines three and four Byron emphasizes that the unique feature of the woman is her ability to contain opposites within her; "the nest of dark and bright/meet" in her. The joining together of the darkness and the light can be seen in her "aspect," or appearance, but also in her "eyes." In this case, "the woman's eyes aren't to be associated with a physical feature, but more as an internal aspect of her: the eyes reveal her heart"(Martin 24). L.C. Martin, from the University of Nottingham, also writes that Byron, "emphasizes the unique feature of this woman to contain opposites within her,"(24) therefore agreeing with the concept that not only is there a struggle between the darkness and the light, but also within the woman. Beginning with line five, the word "meet" is emphasized again as she creates a "tender light," not the gaudiness of daytime, but a gentler light that even "heaven" does not bestow an the day. The night can be thought of in terms of irrationality and the day in terms or reason and neither day nor night is pleasing, only the meeting of the two extremes in this woman. In the second stanza, once again, the opposites are combined. "Shade" or darkness is combined with "day" or light, and "raven tress" or dark hair is linked with a lightened face. If the woman contained with in her and in her appearance either a little bit more of darkness or a little bit more of light, she would be "half impaired." A key word in this section is "grace." Although Byron continuously talks about appearances, in actuality he is referring to the "nameless grace" that is in her hair and face. Once again, it is something internal as well as external that is so attractive about this woman. Although this poem begins with the image of a woman walking, there are no images given by Byron of her legs or arms or feet; this is a head poem, confined to hair, eyes, face, cheeks, and brows. The conclusion to the second stanza contains insight into "the dwelling place" of the woman's thoughts, creating an insight into her mind by using alliteration. The repetition of the "s" sounds is soothing in the phrase "serenely sweet express," because "Byron is referring to her thoughts, and her thoughts are serene and pure"(25). In the third and final stanza, Byron concludes the poem
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Value Of A College Education
Value of a college education College is not for everyone. Some people are satisfied and contend with their life and the path it’s headed, and there is definitely nothing wrong with that. But in my mind college education is extremely important because it gives you base to build your life around, teaches you about the world we live in and how we can utilize its resources most effectively. College education also gives you a good mean of leaving; it makes you capable of being a productive member of the work force. And if you can combine your education with your experience it can be extremely profitable. I have been a productive member of the work force since 1997 but recently I was laid of due to bad economy. Even though I blame the economy for my lay off I do believe that if I had a college degree I might have been more valuable to the company and therefore retaining my job. Now nothing can replace the experience I have gathered over the years working in the Information Technology industry. But not having my college education has definitely slowed my growth. Whenever I wrote a proposal or gave a presentation I always felt like it was not up to the standards of manager or my fellow colleagues. College education gives a strong base in your writing and verbal skills. You gain value from a college education as you: Learn to think critically Learn to have and apply knowledge Learn to understand yourself Learn to understand (at least appreciate) others Take the time for mature reflection and contemplation Become comfortable in a vast array of social contexts Develop and use leadership skills Develop and/or polish basic coping skills like speaking, writing, reading, math, and computer skills It also gives you more confidence because you realize that your skills are as good, if not better than anybody else in this room. A college education prepares you for a rich and satisfying lif... Free Essays on Value Of A College Education Free Essays on Value Of A College Education Value of a college education College is not for everyone. Some people are satisfied and contend with their life and the path it’s headed, and there is definitely nothing wrong with that. But in my mind college education is extremely important because it gives you base to build your life around, teaches you about the world we live in and how we can utilize its resources most effectively. College education also gives you a good mean of leaving; it makes you capable of being a productive member of the work force. And if you can combine your education with your experience it can be extremely profitable. I have been a productive member of the work force since 1997 but recently I was laid of due to bad economy. Even though I blame the economy for my lay off I do believe that if I had a college degree I might have been more valuable to the company and therefore retaining my job. Now nothing can replace the experience I have gathered over the years working in the Information Technology industry. But not having my college education has definitely slowed my growth. Whenever I wrote a proposal or gave a presentation I always felt like it was not up to the standards of manager or my fellow colleagues. College education gives a strong base in your writing and verbal skills. You gain value from a college education as you: Learn to think critically Learn to have and apply knowledge Learn to understand yourself Learn to understand (at least appreciate) others Take the time for mature reflection and contemplation Become comfortable in a vast array of social contexts Develop and use leadership skills Develop and/or polish basic coping skills like speaking, writing, reading, math, and computer skills It also gives you more confidence because you realize that your skills are as good, if not better than anybody else in this room. A college education prepares you for a rich and satisfying lif...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Marquis de Montcalm in the French and Indian War
Marquis de Montcalm in the French and Indian War Marquis de Montcalm - Early Life Career: Born February 28, 1712 at Chateau de Candiac near Nà ®mes, France, Louis-Joseph de Montcalm-Gozon was the son of Louis-Daniel de Montcalm and Marie-Thà ©rà ¨se de Pierre. At the age of nine, his father arranged for him to be commissioned as an ensign in the Rà ©giment d’Hainaut. Remaining at home, Montcalm was educated by a tutor and in 1729 received a commission as a captain. Moving to active service three years later, he took part in the War of the Polish Succession. Serving under Marshal de Saxe and the Duke of Berwick, Montcalm saw action during the siege of Kehl and Philippsburg. Following his fathers death in 1735, he inherited the title of Marquis de Saint-Veran. Returning home, Montcalm married Angà ©lique-Louise Talon de Boulay on October 3, 1736. Marquis de Montcalm - War of the Austrian Succession: With the beginning of the War of the Austrian Succession in late 1740, Montcalm obtained an appointment as aide-de-camp to Lieutenant General Marquis de La Fare. Besieged at Prague with Marshal de Belle-Isle, he sustained a wound but quickly recovered. Following the French withdraw in 1742, Montcalm sought to improve his situation. On March 6, 1743, he purchased the colonelcy of the Rà ©giment dAuxerrois for 40,000 livres. Taking part in Marshal de Maillebois campaigns in Italy, he earned the Order of Saint Louis in 1744. Two years later, Montcalm sustained five saber wounds and was taken prisoner by the Austrians at the Battle of Piacenza. Paroled after seven months in captivity, he received a promotion to brigadier for his performance in the 1746 campaign. Returning to active duty in Italy, Montcalm fell wounded during the defeat at Assietta in July 1747. Recovering, he later aided in lifting the siege of Ventimiglia. With the end of the war in 1748, Montcalm found himself in command of part of the army in Italy. In February 1749, his regiment was absorbed by another unit. As a result, Montcalm lost his investment in the colonelcy. This was offset when he was commissioned mestre-de-camp and given permission to raise a regiment of cavalry bearing his own name. These efforts strained Montcalms fortunes and on July 11, 1753, his petition to the Minister of War, Comte d’Argenson, for a pension was granted in the amount of 2,000 livres annually. Retiring to his estate, he enjoyed the country life and society in Montpellier. Marquis de Montcalm - The French Indian War: The next year, tensions between Britain and France exploded in North American following Lieutenant Colonel George Washingtons defeat at Fort Necessity. As the French Indian War began, British forces won a victory at the Battle of Lake George in September 1755. In the fighting, the French commander in North America, Jean Erdman, Baron Dieskau, fell wounded and was captured by the British. Seeking a replacement for Dieskau, the French command selected Montcalm and promoted him to major general on March 11, 1756. Sent to New France (Canada), his orders gave him command of forces in the field but made him subordinate to the governor-general, Pierre de Rigaud, Marquis de Vaudreuil-Cavagnial. Sailing from Brest with reinforcements on April 3, Montcalms convoy reached the St. Lawrence River five weeks later. Landing at Cap Tourmente, he proceeded overland to Quebec before pressing on to Montreal to confer with Vaudreuil. In the meeting, Montcalm learned of Vaudreuils intention to attack Fort Oswego later in the summer. After being sent to inspect Fort Carillon (Ticonderoga) on Lake Champlain, he returned to Montreal to oversee operations against Oswego. Striking in mid-August, Montcalms mixed force of regulars, colonials, and Native Americans captured the fort after a brief siege. Though a victory, Montcalm and Vaudreuils relationship showed signs of strain as they disagreed over strategy and the effectiveness of colonial forces. Marquis de Montcalm - Fort William Henry: In 1757, Vaudreuil ordered Montcalm to attack British bases south of Lake Champlain. This directive was in line with his preference for conducting spoiling attacks against the enemy and conflicted with Montcalms belief that New France should be protected by a static defense. Moving south, Montcalm mustered around 6,200 men at Fort Carillon before moving across Lake George to strike at Fort William Henry. Coming ashore, his troops isolated the fort on August 3. Later that day he demanded that Lieutenant Colonel George Monro surrender his garrison. When the British commander refused, Montcalm began the Siege of Fort William Henry. Lasting six days, the siege ended with Monro finally capitulating. The victory lost a bit of luster when a force of Native Americans who had fought with the French attacked the paroled British troops and their families as they departed the area. Marquis de Montcalm - Battle of Carillon: Following the victory, Montcalm elected to withdraw back to Fort Carillon citing a lack of supplies and the departure of his Native American allies. This angered Vaudreuil who had desired his field commander to push south to Fort Edward. That winter, the situation in New France deteriorated as food became scarce and the two French leaders continued to quarrel. In the spring of 1758, Montcalm returned to Fort Carillon with the intention of stopping a thrust north by Major General James Abercrombie. Learning that the British possessed around 15,000 men, Montcalm, whose army mustered less than 4,000, debated if and where to make a stand. Electing to defend Fort Carillon, he ordered its outer works expanded. This work was nearing completion when Abercrombies army arrived in early July. Shaken by the death of his skilled second-in-command, Brigadier General George Augustus Howe, and concerned that Montcalm would receive reinforcements, Abercrombie ordered his men to assault Montcalms works on July 8 without bringing up his artillery. In making this rash decision, Abercrombie failed to see obvious advantages in the terrain which would have allowed him to easily defeat the French. Instead, the Battle of Carillon saw British forces mount numerous frontal assaults against Montcalms fortifications. Unable to break through and having taken heavy losses, Abercrombie fell back across Lake George. Marquis de Montcalm - Defense of Quebec: As in the past, Montcalm and Vaudreuil fought in the wake of the victory over credit and the future defense of New France. With the loss of Louisbourg in late July, Montcalm became increasingly pessimistic about whether New France could be held. Lobbying Paris, he asked for reinforcements and, fearing defeat, to be recalled. This latter request was denied and on October 20, 1758, Montcalm received a promotion to lieutenant general and made Vaudreuils superior. As 1759 approached, the French commander anticipated a British onslaught on multiple fronts. In early May 1759, a supply convoy reached Quebec with a few reinforcements. A month later a large British force led by Admiral Sir Charles Saunders and Major General James Wolfe arrived in the St. Lawrence. Building fortifications on the north shore of the river to the east of the city at Beauport, Montcalm successfully frustrated Wolfes initial operations. Seeking other options, Wolfe had several ships run upstream past Quebecs batteries. These began seeking landing sites to the west. Locating a site at Anse-au-Foulon, British forces started crossing on September 13. Moving up the heights, they formed for battle on the Plains of Abraham. After learning of this situation, Montcalm raced west with his men. Arriving on the plains, he immediately formed for battle despite the fact that Colonel Louis-Antoine de Bougainville was marching to his aid with around 3,000 men. Montcalm justified this decision by expressing concern that Wolfe would fortify the position at Anse-au-Foulon. Opening the Battle of Quebec, Montcalm moved to attack in columns. In doing so, the French lines became somewhat disorganized as they crossed the uneven terrain of the plain. Under orders to hold their fire until the French were within 30-35 yards, the British troops had double-charged their muskets with two balls. After enduring two volleys from the French, the front rank opened fire in a volley that was compared to a cannon shot. Advancing a few paces, the second British line unleashed a similar volley shattering the French lines. Early in the battle, Wolfe was hit in the wrist. Tending to the injury he continued, but was soon hit in the stomach and chest. Issuing his final orders, he died on the field. With the French army retreating towards the city and the St. Charles River, the French militia continued to fire from nearby woods with the support of floating battery near the St. Charles River bridge. During the retreat, Montcalm was hit in the lower abdomen and thigh. Taken into the city, he died the next day. Initially buried near the city, Montcalms remains were moved several times until being reinterred at the cemetery of the Quebec General Hospital in 2001. Selected Sources Military Heritage: Marquis de MontcalmQuebec History: Marquis de Montcalm Fort Ticonderoga: Marquis de Montcalm
Saturday, October 19, 2019
How Does Paid Employment Affect Your Identity Essay - 3
How Does Paid Employment Affect Your Identity - Essay Example Our identity also changes as our surroundings and our roles in it changes, which then translates that it is also what we chose to prioritise, what we rationally chose to fulfil, and what we may prefer to be concerned about (Martin and Barresi, 2003). In another setting, different kinds of people can come together under one larger and unified group that has similar visions and goals. Often called the organisation, it is both an entity and a concept in itself, which links together identity, power, inequality, freedom and knowledge all under a conceptual framework (Knights and Willmott, 2007). The behaviour and interaction of people working within an organisation is called organisational behaviour. It addresses broadly the interaction of people within all types of organisations like business, government, university and service organisations (Singh, 2010). To understand how an individual would behave in a group setting, there is no magic bullet to solve all kinds of organisational kinds. Also, humans have different identities, which would make the study of organisational behaviour even more erratic and unpredictable, hence the need for a multidisciplinary approach which borrows ideas from behavioural sciences, management and other disciplines (Singh, 2010 and Knights and Willmott, 2007). For example, an individual can be studied without considering the organization. But because the organization influences and is influenced by the individual, there is also the need to study something about the organization (Knights and Willmott, 2007). Organizations influence more or less the lives of many people. They provide rules and regulations (governments), source of income (workplace), where individuals are raised and trained (schools, universities), among others (Griffin and Moorhead, 2010). We can also have multiple roles in different organizations (consumers, employees, suppliers, students, owners, etc.). For that, the study of organizational behaviour is deemed important. In an organization, there are employment relations, hierarchy, a division of labor, as well as a degree of permanence or continuity (Knights and Willmott, 2007). Knowing what a person’s role would be in an organization would dictate his or her roles, which would more or less be the same with persons of the same rank in the ladder. The formation of small groups within an organization helps in affirming the roles of members within a particular rank. It also has a powerful effect on the morale, attitude, motivation and work performance of the group members (Singh, 2010). Members of a group associate themselves with their group and this shapes their attitude and behaviour with regards to the organisation. The formation of such groups, when fully harnessed by the top management, will provide the necessary workforce that would have highly effective members with high performance goals. Thus, the participation in such organisations by individuals with different roles would help in d eveloping and confirming their sense of identity within the group (Knights and Willmott, 2007, and Singh, 2010). In an organizational setting, many cultures and ideas are often taught to all, if not most members. For example, a culture of autonomy implemented in a certain workplace could give a sense of empowerment for their employees since they experience a sense of discretion or freedom
Friday, October 18, 2019
Analysing Marketing strategies, Toyota (Yaris) Essay
Analysing Marketing strategies, Toyota (Yaris) - Essay Example The company is proud of its progress and achievements which is dedicated towards the satisfaction of the customers. Toyota believes in innovation, is customer oriented and is a well organised company. The vision of the company is to provide commitment on the basis quality and mobility. The mission of the company is to provide safe and sound journey to the customers, use new technologies for innovation along with creating a prosperous society following the standard norms of the industry. The Toyota cars have over the years delivered assured superior quality with various cars category. Toyota offers cars for varied segments wherein a few are multi premium vehicles, luxurious cars and hybrid/green cars. The vehicle of Toyota, Yaris which is a sub-compact passenger car, is one of the most affordable cars and the smallest one which is sold by Toyota especially in the market of the US (Toyota, 2012). The Yaris is offered as a ‘four door sedan or five back hatchback’. Toyota Ya ris has added various innovations in the car which makes it compatible to compete with true Honda Fit along with making it one of the most versatile offerings. Toyota Yaris launched its second generation model in 2012. The car as compared to the first generation is about 3 inches long and more specifications are added. The looks, features and the price of the Yaris are better as compared to the first generation products. It is one of the smallest cars with technological innovation and is cheap, reliable with enhanced quality (Toyota Motor Sales, 2013). The brand Toyota Yaris is introducing relative marketing processes to create brand loyalty. The objective of the study is to evaluate Toyota Yaris’ marketing strategies which are implemented for the success of this unique brand. The competitive behaviour and the environment based on the PESTEL analysis are evaluated. External Environment Analysis PESTEL Analysis PESTEL is an analytical tool which is considered to evaluate the e xternal factors impact on Toyota Yaris. PESTEL is used to summarise environmental factors which influence the organisation and its future strategies. PESTEL assists the company to think proactively in the ever-changing environment to resolve the issues which can be faced by it in the operational activities. The use of PESTEL analysis would facilitate to evaluate the environment of the United Kingdom and the United States both of which seem to be quite lucrative for Toyota (Hoque, Faruque, Shahid, Pasha & Rahman, 2013). Political The government policies, rules and regulations affect the infrastructure of a country and hence influence the environment of the industry. The political factors refer to the political pressure, current environment of the country and the effective cost of operations to be faced by the industry. The government policies are an important influential factor for the sustainability of any industry in a particular country. The political factors impose costs on the i ndustry such as taxes, and at times provide relief as well. Toyota Yaris which is a sub-compact car got the support from the US government to improve its production. This has helped Yaris to increase its sales in the USA. The government has taken initiatives to improve the production by executing policies such as the Energy Policy Act among others. The fuel efficiency of the car has made it one of the most popular new generation cars the UK as well (Hoque, Faruque,
Surveillance Security research assingment Essay
Surveillance Security research assingment - Essay Example Introduction In this global technological evolution of information systems, every organization protects the network by firewalls, intrusion detection systems and other dedicated hardware. The widespread implementation of these network defense equipments facilitated the organizations to be more secure. However, the other side of the picture demonstrates that it has also maximized opportunities for hackers to breach in the systems. Security is essential part of any computer network that is operational. Security measures are mandatory as ‘’ covers the basics and states it as â€Å"Prevention of and protection against assault, damage, fire, fraud, invasion of privacy, theft, unlawful entry, and other such occurrences caused by deliberate action†. Another definition in the context of network security stated as â€Å"Network security covers such issues as network communication privacy, information confidentiality and integrity over network, co ntrolled access to restricted network domains and sensitive information, and using the public network, such as Internet, for private communications †. Organizations spend enormous funds only for implementing advanced security devices and security applications The reason for doing large investments in order to protect networks is understandable as the impacts of security breaches are also equivalent. Security breaches related to data theft, hacking, unauthorized access etc. impacts on organizations reputation in the market as customer data is exposed to hackers, who can use it for many purposes for financial gain. Likewise, this will also lead in severe revenue loss. The current network of 1-Click Mobile Phones Ltd has only a firewall to combat all the threats. No internal access policies are implemented, no advanced security appliances are present, and no surveillance security framework is implemented. 1-Click Mobile Phones Ltd has recognized the importance of securing the net work and hence decided to equip the network with a surveillance security cameras and biometrics, advanced security appliances, wireless security and internal access policies. The objectives of this report are to identify and prevent Unauthorized Access, Monitoring Employee activities by surveillance, Monitoring critical server, database and equipments by surveillance and Preventing Wireless access. Although, advanced firewalls support packet-filtering technology to analyze every packet before granting access. Moreover, ‘computer security incident response teams’ are deployed to perform recovery whenever an incident generates on the network. Physical Infrastructure Policy The physical infrastructure policy will add surveillance security to the current network. There are no definitions available for video surveillance security apart from this one that states it, as â€Å"Intelligent Video Solution is a system of hardware and software that aids the security executives in performing their daily tasks. An intelligent video solution can be from a single manufacturer or it can be a compilation of components (both hardware and software) from a variety of manufacturers. The net end result is that it is the sum of all of its parts performing the tasks they were designed to do†(Elliott 2010). For the current network of 1-Click Mobile Phones Ltd, a cost effective network video recording surveillance solution s required. The ‘VS-8024 VioStor NVR (Network Video Recorder)’ will fulfill all the requirements of the network as it
Corporate Finance Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Corporate Finance - Research Paper Example Total numbers of shares are taken as follows: = Year end $ value / $10 of face value Working: = Total Earnings/ No. of shares = 441,000 / 31,800 = 13.86 approximately $14 Earnings per share = $ 14 Considering a 50% payout ratio, the dividend would be $7 The reasonable estimate of the 50% of the shares therefore would be: = 31800 x 50% = 15900 Estimate = 15900 x 86.95 Total Best Estimate = $ 1,382,505 Q#2 Market Structure and trading conditions The total market of the Polishing and other allied products are over $4.5Billion. The market is largely fragmented with many small to medium players serving different niches of their target market. Essentially, the market is distributed into three distinct categories based on product classification. Carlton falls under the category of Chemical suppliers supplying chemicals to independent distributors who then sell to the end users. The fragmentation of the market is also due to low barriers to entry due to low cost of production involved. Since, the market is typically divided into two broader classes of chemical supplies and cleaning machinery therefore the overall cost of producing is low. This is also reflected from the fact that the gross margin of Carlton is 44% suggesting that the cost of producing the finished goods is relatively low. However, net margin within this industry is relatively low mainly due to high marketing costs involved. It has been the industry practice that distributors once acquired are hard to replaced therefore it require higher resources and persuasion to list a distributor serving the competitors. Most of the costs, therefore, are incurred in marketing overheads therefore the overall net margins are low in industry as most... The fragmentation of the market is also due to low barriers to entry due to low cost of production involved. Since, the market is typically divided into two broader classes of chemical supplies and cleaning machinery therefore the overall cost of producing is low. This is also reflected from the fact that the gross margin of Carlton is 44% suggesting that the cost of producing the finished goods is relatively low. However, net margin within this industry is relatively low mainly due to high marketing costs involved. It has been the industry practice that distributors once acquired are hard to replaced therefore it require higher resources and persuasion to list a distributor serving the competitors. Most of the costs, therefore, are incurred in marketing overheads therefore the overall net margins are low in industry as most of the key players have negative growth rates in terms of their net income. Overall the market is competitive with no clear market leadership however; different players serve their target markets with moderate success due to long established business and consumer relationships strengthened due to delivering high end services. Historically, Co has profitable with consistent growth rates achieved in both revenue as well as profitability.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Hairdressing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Hairdressing - Assignment Example So we can see the details of a hair dressing saloon including the cost structure, infra structure and the techniques they use to meet out the needs of the customer. First of all, I would like to take Mayura hair dressers as my focal point they are located in Coimbatore, we shall see the infra structure and the cost factor of the saloon. They have started the hair dresser saloon in the year 1980 with about 2 hair stylists but the shop got itself established in a decade span that is in about ten years they have recruited about 15 hair stylists and established the shop to a great extent. This only has happened due to the increase in the demand of the number of clients they have got. The infra structure at the starting was just 200 sq.ft with an capital amount of rupees 1000$ which was most sufficient at that stage but rapidly it got increased to an amount of 2000 sq.ft in the year 2003 and got some increase in people. Simultaneously, the number of clients also got increased we can say that one of the reason for this is the rapid increase in population. Why because is that the rapid increase in growth of the population increases the demand of the particular product here the product is considered to be the hair stylist. At the same point we have to speak about the competition. ... They added some more machinery to the shop like the advanced mode of hair dryer and hair trimmer and at the same time they also started to import certain things from the foreign countries like, the latest cosmetics and the beauty products. This was considered to be the utmost effective trend followed by the mayur hair stylist. From all these things we can understand that the cost they have invested is higher and the efforts they take to develop the business is the high light of the business tactics. It was considered to be the main reason for the establishment and the survival of the company amidst a load of competitors that they had. OBJECTIVES: We also have to articulate about the plans of the hair dresser. The main motto of the hair dresser is to promote the business in all modes and classes of the people the need for the styles of the hair is also to be established they make it out as their aim just because for the reason only if they increase the literate knowledge they can increase the number of clients to their saloon. As many of the people nowadays think that hair dressing is not that much important. But the real fact is that only if a person gives proper importance to the hair and dressing style the real elegance and the beauty gets enhanced so they also include this under their aim section. If a company is said to be established for a short term progress then there is no need for vision and the mission structure but when saying about a long term run a lot of things has to be kept in mind. Hair dresser is a case that is considered to be a long term runner so for the same purpose they have adopted some mission and vision the mission that they have accepted is
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Application of Implementing QMS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Application of Implementing QMS - Essay Example Quality excellence awards across different countries can be briefed as; Europe- EFQM Excellence Model is used to determine the receiver of European Quality Award, USA- , Baldrige National Quality award is given to companies who have exceptionally performed when it comes to ensuring quality, Australia- Australian Business Excellence Awards is given to companies performed exceptionally well to improve quality of production. Research findings of various research scholars such as Van der Wiele et al. (2001) shows that quality management system or quality excellence awards emphasizes on large set quality dimensions such as risk management, ensuring diversity, performing social responsibility, sustainability of the process, resource management, environmental safety, service delivery to customers, knowledge management, good governance etc. Valls and Vergueiro (2006) defined four types of benefits which can be achieved by implementing QMS or achieving quality excellence awards such as better customer service, reduction of error in process modelling, better financial result in terms of increase both in top line & bottom line growth and enhanced learning from environment. Meeting the 8 quality criteria mentioned by ISO can also help a firm to earn excellence award, these criteria can be summarized as; 1- Customer focus- meeting or exceeding customer requirement, 2- Leadership- engaging employees and participants in internal environment to ensure quality, 3- People- optimal utilization of human resources in order to ensure 100% involvement from them, 4- Process- optimal utilization of resources in order to improve the process flow, 5- System Approach- identification and control of interrelated processes, 6- Continual Improvement- continual growth and learning of the organization, 7- Factual Decision- taking decision on the basis of facts and information and 8- Mutually Beneficial Relationship- providing benefits to suppliers and other important stakeholders (ISO, 2012). A s the study is narrowing its scope from general quality management system to quality assurance and excellence award in transportation field hence the study has decided to consider the case of Transport Certification Australia (TCA) as basal plane in the paper. Transport Certification Australia (TCA) - Overview Transport Certification Australia Limited (TCA) is founded by government agencies, territory and Australian government and representing states (Transport Certification Australia, 2013a). The company works under the Corporations Act (Cth) regulation and serves as quality assurance organization in the field of transportation in Australia. Vision TCA has the vision to serve as a leader in the field of quality advice to transportation agencies, providing accreditation & administrator services in order to improve mobility with the means of sensor solution, communication and information integration. Transport Certification Australia Limited provides the quality assurance to users wi th the help of its quality management system which specializes in identifying, delivering and deploying quality mechanism (Transport Certification Australia, 2013a). Mission When it comes to formulating a formidable and sustainable mission statement, TCA emphasizes on three verticals such as identifying quality needs, delivering quality assurance
Hairdressing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Hairdressing - Assignment Example So we can see the details of a hair dressing saloon including the cost structure, infra structure and the techniques they use to meet out the needs of the customer. First of all, I would like to take Mayura hair dressers as my focal point they are located in Coimbatore, we shall see the infra structure and the cost factor of the saloon. They have started the hair dresser saloon in the year 1980 with about 2 hair stylists but the shop got itself established in a decade span that is in about ten years they have recruited about 15 hair stylists and established the shop to a great extent. This only has happened due to the increase in the demand of the number of clients they have got. The infra structure at the starting was just 200 sq.ft with an capital amount of rupees 1000$ which was most sufficient at that stage but rapidly it got increased to an amount of 2000 sq.ft in the year 2003 and got some increase in people. Simultaneously, the number of clients also got increased we can say that one of the reason for this is the rapid increase in population. Why because is that the rapid increase in growth of the population increases the demand of the particular product here the product is considered to be the hair stylist. At the same point we have to speak about the competition. ... They added some more machinery to the shop like the advanced mode of hair dryer and hair trimmer and at the same time they also started to import certain things from the foreign countries like, the latest cosmetics and the beauty products. This was considered to be the utmost effective trend followed by the mayur hair stylist. From all these things we can understand that the cost they have invested is higher and the efforts they take to develop the business is the high light of the business tactics. It was considered to be the main reason for the establishment and the survival of the company amidst a load of competitors that they had. OBJECTIVES: We also have to articulate about the plans of the hair dresser. The main motto of the hair dresser is to promote the business in all modes and classes of the people the need for the styles of the hair is also to be established they make it out as their aim just because for the reason only if they increase the literate knowledge they can increase the number of clients to their saloon. As many of the people nowadays think that hair dressing is not that much important. But the real fact is that only if a person gives proper importance to the hair and dressing style the real elegance and the beauty gets enhanced so they also include this under their aim section. If a company is said to be established for a short term progress then there is no need for vision and the mission structure but when saying about a long term run a lot of things has to be kept in mind. Hair dresser is a case that is considered to be a long term runner so for the same purpose they have adopted some mission and vision the mission that they have accepted is
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Associate Degree in Nursing Essay Example for Free
Associate Degree in Nursing Essay Healthcare systems and the way safe, quality health care is delivered are continually changing to better serve patients and communities. Professional nursing practice is a large component in the healthcare system today. Back in the 1960s, professional nursing leaders tried to adopt the bachelor degree programs as the only educational track to become a registered nurse (Creasia Friberg, 2011). Due to nursing shortages and demands this motive did not hold fast. Individuals entering the nursing profession today must first decide which educational pathway to take to become a Registered Nurse (RN). Although there are studies that suggest nurses with a higher level of education have better overall outcomes, there still exist different educational pathways one can take to become a registered nurse. The two most popular educational programs today are the Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) and the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). Both programs prepare students to sit for the state’s NCLEX exam and obtain a registered nurse license. Each educational pathway poses different advantages and disadvantages. The associate level degree can be obtained in two to three years and offered through community colleges and technical schools. Because the length of the program is shorter than the BSN program, this can be viewed as an advantage, saving both time and money. ADN nurses are typically educated to be direct care providers, usually employed by hospitals and long term care facilities. The course of study includes general education and clinical nursing classes (Creasia Friberg, 2011). Technical skills are emphasized in the ADN programs, leaving little time for critical thinking skills. According to the American Association of College of Nursing (AACN), ADN nurses are better suited to work at the bedside in less complicated plans of care (Baccalaureate Degree, 2000). The associate degree nurse does possess good technical skills. The bachelor level degree can be obtained in four years by attending a college or university. Obviously, the BSN program will take more time and money over the ADN program. Although most colleges and universities offer traditional four year nursing programs, some offer accelerated programs. It will usually cost the same, however you are able to enter the nursing profession sooner. Unlike the ADN program, â€Å"the BSN nurse is better prepared to practice in all health care settings – critical care, outpatient, public health, and mental health†(Baccalaureate Degree, 2000, para. 8). In addition to the content taught in ADN programs, the humanistic BSN education encompasses more of the physical and social sciences (Impact of Education, 2011). The BSN nurse is better prepared to work more independently, therefore is well qualified to practice in healthcare systems outside of the hospital. Bachelor programs â€Å"prepare professional nurse generalists for acute care settings, community-based practice, and beginning leadership /management positions†(Creasia Friberg, 2011, p. 32). This course of study is crucial to the delivery of good, safe, quality patient care. There have been several research studies completed to see if there is a correlation between higher RN education level and better patient outcomes. Several studies concluded there is decrease in mortality rates within hospitals that employee a greater percentage of bachelor prepared nurses (Creating a More, 2011). There are several patient care situations within hospitals in which a BSN nurse would be better qualified to create and manage a patient’s plan of care. Suppose a 28 year old American Indian female was admitted for preterm labor at 32 works gestation with a history of non-compliant diabetes since age 15. Both the ADN and BSN nurse could clinically perform a thorough assessment of the patient, monitor fetal condition and uterine activity, and administer medications. This patient needs more than just acute clinical care; she needs education and resources on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle for her and for the child she will soon be raising. A BSN practitioner has extensive training in cultural, social, and economic areas and would be a much better provider of care than the ADN nurse. Both ADN and BSN nurses will usually start at the same salary in the hospital or long term care facility, the ADN nurse will be limited to career advancements and opportunities. Charge nurse positions may be available in some organizations; however any position of higher level will almost always require an advanced education. Years of experience will sometimes be of relevance for a higher level position, but ultimately, these positions go to individuals who hold a bachelors and/or masters degree. As healthcare settings and delivery of care change, more nursing positions require the Bachelors of Science degree to be hired (Baccalaureate Degree, 2000). Overall, studies and research have proven the BSN nurse to be better prepared professionally for the ever changing healthcare systems of our world today and tomorrow. There have been great strides by nursing leaders and organizations around the nation to increase the number of bachelor degree nurses from 50% to 80% by the year 2020 (Employment of New Nurse, 2011). Even though deciding which educational pathway to take now is still up to the individual, research points to the BSN program. Choosing the BSN educational pathway over the ADN not only provides a broader spectrum of education to better serve patients and communities, but also opens many doors of opportunity for growth and advancement.
Monday, October 14, 2019
the use of assembler directives in microprocessor
the use of assembler directives in microprocessor Abstract This term paper includes the use of assembler directives in microprocessor and the various assembler directives used in Intel microprocessor 8086, its format with various examples. I) Definition An assembler directive is a message to the assembler that tells the assembler something it needs to know in order to carry out the assembly process; for example, an assemble directive tell the assembler where a program is to be located in memory. There are some instructions in the assembly language program which are not a part of processor instruction set. These instructions are instructions to the assembler, linker and loader. These are referred to as pseudo-operations or as assembler directives. II) Use Of Assembler Directives The assembler directives control organization of the program and provide necessary information to the assembler to understand assembly language programs to generate machine codes. They indicate how an operand or a section of program is to be processed by the assembler. An assembler supports directives to define data, to organize segments to control procedures, to define macros etc. An assembly language program consists of two types of statements: instructions and directives. The instructions are translated to machine codes by the assembler whereas the directives are not translated to machine codes. III) Assembler Directives For Intel8086 Microprocessor 1) ASSUME The ASSUME directives is used to inform the assembler the names of the logical segments, which are to be assigned to the different segments used in an assembly language program. In an assembly language program, each segment is given a name by the programmer. For example, the code segment may be given the name CODE or CODE_SEG or MY_CODE, etc. The data segment may be given the name DATA, MY_DATA, DATA_SEG, etc. Examples: i) ASSUME CS : CODE The above directive tells the assembler that the name of the code segment is CODE. This name is a user defined segment name. The segment named CODE contains the machine codes of the instructions. The code segment register (CS register) is to be loaded with the starting address of the code segment, given by the operating system for the label CODE in the assembly language program. ii) ASSUME DS: DATA The above directive informs the assembler that the name of the data segment is DATA. This is a user defined segment name. It contains data of the program which is being executed. The DS register (data segment register) is to be loaded with the starting address of the data segment, given by the operating system for the label DATA in the program. iii) ASSUME SS: STACK The above directive tells the assembler that the name of the stack segment used by the programmer is STACK. This is a user defined segment name. It stores addresses and data of the subroutines, saves the contents a specified register or memory locations after PUSH instruction, etc. The stack segment register SS holds the starting address of the stack segment allotted by the operating system. iv) ASSUME ES: EXTRA The above directive tells the assembler that the name of the extra segment is EXTRA which is a user defined segment name. In Intel 8086 microprocessor, string instructions may use DI register to point the destination memory address for the data. The EXTRA segment is used to hold the addresses pointed by DI. 2) DB (Define Byte) The directive DB a byte type variable. In a given directive statement, there may be single initial value or multiple initial values of the defined variable. If there is one initial value, one byte of memory space is reserved for each value. The general format is: Name of Variable DB Initial value or Values. Examples: i) VELOCITY DB 0 This directive informs assembler to reserve one byte of memory space for the variable named VELOCITY and initialize it with value zero. ii) WEIGHT DB 85 This directive informs assembler to reserve one byte of memory space for the variable named WEIGHT and initialize with value 85. iii) FORCE DB ? This directive directs assembler to reserve one byte of memory space for the variable FORCE. Furthermore, the question mark ? In the data definition informs assembler that the value of the variable is not known and hence, it is not to be initialized. iv) ARRAY DB 32, 42, 59, 67, 83 This directive informs assembler to reserve five bytes of consecutive memory space for the variable named ARRAY. The memory locations are to be initialized with the values 32, 42, 59, 67 and 83. v) MESSAGE DB ‘THANK YOU This directive informs the assembler to reserve the number of bytes of memory space equal to the number of characters in the string named MESSAGE, and initialize the memory locations with ASCII codes of the these characters. 3) DW (Define Word) The directive DW defines a word -type variable. The defined variable may have one or more initial values in the directive statement. If there is one value, two-bytes of memory space are reserved. If there are multiple values, two bytes of memory space are reserved for each value. The general formula is: Name of variable DW Initial Value or Values. Examples: i) SUM DW 3596. This directive informs the assembler to reserve two bytes (one word) of consecutive memory locations for the variable named SUM and initialize it with the value 3596. ii) NUMBER DW ‘25 The above directive statement informs assembler to reserve two bytes of consecutive memory locations for the variable named NUMBER. The first byte of the memory is to be initialized with the ASCII code of two (32) and the second byte is to be initialized with the ASCII code of five (35). Hence, the two bytes of memory space contain 3235H. iii) DATA DW 5384, 6932, 5 DUP (3456), 7384 This directive informs assembler to reserve 16 bytes of consecutive memory locations. The number 3456 is repeated five times. Memory locations are initialized with 5384,6932, 3456, 3456, 3456,3456, 3456 and 7384. 4) DD (Define Double Word) This directive DD defines a double word-type variable. The defined variable may have one or more values in the statement. If there is only one value, four bytes of consecutive memory locations are reserved. If there are multiple values, four bytes of memory locations are reserved for each value. The general format is: Name of Variable DD Initial value or values Example: NUMBER DD 23958634 The above directive informs assembler to reserve four bytes of memory locations for the variable named NUMBER and initialize with the number 23958634. 5) DQ (Define Quadword) The directive DQ defines a quadword- type variable. The defined variable may have one or more values in the statement. If there is only one value, 8 bytes of consecutive memory locations are reserved. If there are multiple values, 8 bytes of memory space are reserved for each value. The general format is: Name of Variable DQ Initial value or values Example: NUMBER DQ 1568934893846735 The above directive informs assembler to reserve 8 bytes of consecutive memory locations for the variable named NUMBER and initialize with the above mentioned number. 6) DT (Define Tenbytes) The directive DT defines a variable of ten bytes. In the directive statement there may be one or more values. If there is only one value, 10 bytes of consecutive memory locations are reserved. If there are multiple values, ten consecutive memory locations are reserved for each value. The general format is: Name of Variable DT Initial value or values Example: NUMBER DT 34968435876934839251 The above directive informs assembler to reserve 10 bytes of consecutive memory locations for the variable named NUMBER and initialize with the above specified values. 7) END (End of Program) The directive END informs assembler the end of a program module. This is used after the last statement of the program module. This assembler ignores statement(s) after an END directive. Therefore, the programmer should use END directive at the very end of his program module. A carriage return is used after the END directive. Its general format is: END label 8) ENDP (End Procedure) The directive ENDP informs assembler the end of a procedure. In assembly language programming, subroutines are called procedures. A procedure may be an independent program module to give certain result or the required value to the calling program. A procedure is given a name i.e. a label. The label is used as prefix with directive ENDP. This directive is used together with PROC directive to enclose the procedure. To specify the type of the procedure the term FAR or NEAR is used after the PROC directive. The type FAR indicates that the procedure to be called is in some other segment of memory. Type NEAR indicates that the procedure is in the same segment of memory. If type is not specified, the assembler assumes it NEAR. The general format for ENDP directive is: Procedure Name ENDP Example: SPEED_CONTROL PROC FAR ; Start of Procedure : ; Procedure instructions SPEED_CONTROL ENDP ; End of Procedure 9) ENDM (End Macro) The directive ENDM is used to inform assembler that this is the end of a macro. The directive ENDM is used with the directive MACRO to enclose macro instructions. Example: COMPLIMENT MACRO ; Start of macro : ; Macro instructions ENDM ; End of Macro COMPLIMENT is the name of a macro. The name is given before the directive MCRO which tells the assembler the beginning of a macro. 10) ENDS ( End of Segment) The ENDS directive informs assembler that this is the end of the segment. The name of the segment is given using ASSUME directive which has already been explained. The name of the segment is used as the prefix of the ENDS directive. Its general format is: Segment Name ENDS Example: CODE_SEG SEGMENT ; Start of code segment ; instructions CODE_SEG ENDS ; End of segment 11) EQU (Equate) The directive EQU is used to give a name to certain value or symbol. If any value or symbol is used many times in an assembly language program, a name is given to the value or symbol to make programming easier and simpler. Each time the assembler finds the given name in the program, it replaces the name with the value or symbol which has already been equated with that name. The general format for the EQU directive is: Value Name EQU Value or or Symbol Name Symbol Example: ROOM_TEMP EQU 02H The above directive tells assembler to replace ROOM_TEMP by 02H. If EQU directive is written in the beginning of the program and later on MOV AL, ROOM_TEMP is written in the program, the assembler will treat this instruction as if it were MOV AL, 02H while giving its machine codes. 12) EXTRN (External) This directive informs the assembler that the names, procedures and labels following this directive have already been defined in some other program modules. The names, procedures and labels declared as external in one program module must be declared public using PUBLIC directive in the program module in which they have been defined. When the programmer informs assembler that the declared item is an external one, the assembler puts this information in the object code file so that the linker can connect the concerned two program modules together. The general format for EXTRN directive is: i) EXTRN Variable Name : Type of variable ii) EXTRN Procedure Name : (NEAR/FAR) For external named variable, procedure or constant; its type is to be specified. Examples : i) EXTRN MULTIPLIER : WORD In this directive the variable named MULTIPLIER is an external variable and it is word type variable. ii) EXTRN CORRECTION_FACTOR: ABS In this directive CORRECTION_FACTOR is an external constant. It has been defined with EQU directive in another program module. Constants are identified by type: ABS. 13) LABEL (Label) In an assembly language program labels are used to give names to memory addresses. When assembler begins assembly process, it initializes a location counter to keep the track of memory locations i.e. memory addresses. The content of the location counter holds the address of the memory location assigned to an instruction during assembly process. The LABEL directive is used to give a name to the current value in the location counter i.e. the current memory address which is in the location counter. The type of label is to be specified. The general format of the LABEL directive is: LABEL Label Name Label Type Example: AHEAD LABEL NEAR Instruction Instruction AHEAD AHEAD Instruction 14) LENGTH ( Length) It is an operator to determine the number of elements in a data item such as an array or a string. Example: DATA SEGMENT ARRAY DW 10 DUP(?) NUMBERS DB 10 DUP(?) DATA ENDS The LENGTH operator can be used as follows: i) MOV CX, LENGTH ARRAY ii) MOV CX, LENGTH NUMBERS In both examples i) and ii), the execution of the instruction will move number 10 in the register CX as the number of elements are 10 in both the variables ARRAY as well as NUMBERS. 15) PROC (Procedure) The directive PROC indicate the start of a procedure. The type of the procedure FAR or NEAR is to be specified after the directive. The type NEAR is used to call a procedure which is within the program module. The type FAR is used to call a procedure from some other program module. The PROC directive is used with ENDP directive to enclose a procedure. The general format of the PROC directive is: Name of procedure PROC type of procedure Example : i) TEMP_MEAST PROC FAR The above procedure is for temperature measurement and it lies in some other program module. There are other directives also which includes TYPE (Type), STRUCT OR STRUC (Structure Declaration), SIZE (Size), SHORT (Short), SEG (Segment), RECORD (Record), PUBLIC (Public), MACRO, NAME (Name), OFFSET (Offset) etc.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Explorations of Modernity and Excitement in Two Poems: The Teachers an
Poems- ‘The Teachers’ and ‘In Mrs Tilscher’s Class’ I am going to be comparing two poems, ‘The Teachers’ by Liz Lochhead and ‘In Mrs Tilscher’s Class’ by Carol Ann Duffy. The two poems talk about the same thing, which is teachers, but in different ways and the way that the poems' structures are created for the reader. Both the poems recall parts of their school days and talk about memories of teachers they once had. Carol Ann Duffy talks about her fond memories of a teacher she once had, saying about how playful her school day was, she uses ‘skittle of milk’ to describe the joy of being able to have milk, also, she relates many parts of the poems to toys, including her teacher, ‘Mrs Tilscher’, who made many of their lessons more playful and at the end of the day it would leave her happy. On the other hand Liz Lochhead concentrates on the description of what happened in school and the characters of her teachers. On lines 5- 6 she says ‘Wars were bad but sometimes necessary’, this could represent the fact that the poem was written during or after the war era, she could also be talking about classroom wars, for example ‘wars of the sexes’. She chooses to start the poem on a really dull note; this could be because she may not have felt any em otions towards her school life or her teacher and peers. This dreary start makes the rest of the poem bland, with no detail of emotions, leaving it plain and basic to the reader. In the first stanza of ‘In Mrs Tilschers Class’ Duffy, starts it with ‘You could travel up the blue Nile with your finger†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢, even though the blue Nile isn’t blue, its like she remembers the start of the day as being perfect, but whilst everyone knows that the water in the blue Nile is actually ... ...e last line of the poem would make us think even though they are going into a newer school habitat and age, they still are growing up and they will find out things that they never knew and are able to learn more even though that there are dangers on the way. Also the line could mean that they are now leaving Mrs Tilschers Class and now their lives may become dangerous without her. Overall, I think that both the poems are good, but Lochheads is lacking the excitement that school can bring. Both the poems are similar to each other, but ‘In Mrs Tilschers Class’ is more modern than ‘The Teachers’ which many have been set in the war era, meaning everything was in short supply during the school day. Lochheads poem doesn’t make you feel any emotion, but Duffys makes you feel what she is feeling as a child, which I think makes it a more interesting poem to read.
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